Worldwideauthor Creating Romance With A Splash Of Sex, For The Sake Of Humanity And The Host of the W.W.A.A. Podcast

Background Story
Writing has never been optional for Kristy Mickelsen . Like eating and breathing, it’s something integral to their existence. Everyday they are thankful to be able to make a career from something that brings them so much pleasure.
Kristy Mickelsen is a 42-year-old wife and mother, whose passions include her two autistic children, reading and writing. She was born in Upland California, and raised in Riverside by her two wonderful parents Dale and Reata. She eventually moved to the high desert where she currently resides with her husband and two children.
Kristy has an Associate of Science Degree with a major in Child Development. She worked in the field for seven years as a preschool teacher, but due to illness, she retired from working with children and tried her hand at writing.
Kristy believes that writing is a creative way to express many human emotions that are sometimes hard to speak. Emotions such as love, lust, hate, anger, joy, and sorrow just to name a few. She loves to write both nonfiction from her real-life experiences, as well as fictional romance, and even some erotica.
Kristy's books can be found on and B& including her rookie novella Nine Months to Autism.
You can follow her on social media such as facebook and twitter.

August 2020
Available on
Savanna Clark was no stranger to hardship. At twenty-four years of age, she had lost everything important to her and was living in her car out on the streets.
Wade Sorensen, a recently widowed forty-year-old emergency room doctor with a six-month-old daughter, was having trouble balancing his job and caring for his infant daughter.
When Wade places an ad in the newspaper for a live-in Nanny to care for his daughter and run his household, Savanna applies for the position hoping to get off the streets.
Neither of them expected to fall in love
She was sixteen years younger than him, with no experience with love or children. He was older, more experienced in life with an established career and infant daughter.
Will they give into love or will their age difference and a series of tragic events keep them apart?

"Writing is the geometry of the soul"
Get in touch to discover more writings by Kristy Mickelsen Books and to follow their literary adventures.
Amarillo Texas